Poznan University of Economics and Business - Central Authentication System
Strona główna
last data migration: ~4 hours ago
last modification of this document: 70 days ago

Welcome to the USOSweb website of the Poznań University of Economics and Business

Logging into the system - PUE employees

Using the system platform is on the login and password side (the "log in" option in the corner of the website). PUEB employees log in to the system using UID (NIU), i.e. the user number at IT universities and the password to the university / e-HR.

Logging into the system - PUEB students / PhD students

Using the system's functionality is possible after entering the login and password (the "log in" option in the upper right corner of the page). PUEB students / PhD students log in to the system using UID (NIU), i.e. the user number in university IT systems and the password to the university e-mail / e-BOS. Students / PhD students admitted to studies, in the academic year 2020/2021, during the first login to the USOSweb system, provide the UID (NIU) and password, which they received via e-mail to the address provided during the enrollment for studies. The new password set in USOSweb is valid in all university systems that can be logged in using the UID (NIU). After receiving the e-mail, logging into the USOSweb will be possible the next day.

PUEB graduates and students who have been admitted to the first year of second-cycle studies have the UID (NIU) and password the same as in first-cycle studies or other studies of which they are or were students at PUEB (these people do not receive an e-mail with UID and the starting password) ). In case of problems with logging in, please contact us at helpdesk@ue.poznan.pl

Database synchronization

Every day at 4.00 am there will be a synchronization with data on the university USOS - during the synchronization the system will be unavailable! It should be checked that the payment data in the USOS main bank are visible in the USOSweb only after the data has been corrected, at the same time the changes are corrected in the system by BOS employees and other information is visible in the USOSweb module the next day.



al. Niepodległości 10 61-875 Poznań tel: +48 61 856 90 00 https://www.ue.poznan.pl contact accessibility statement mapa serwisu USOSweb (2024-06-07)